AES deep template attack

Commonly, a machine learning approach can be constructed of 4 components: data, a model, a cost function and an optimization procedure. The structure of this notebook also resembles these 4 components.

In Section 0: Imports, Hyperparameters, create directory Structure

In Section 1, is about the data of our approach. We will load our data, preprocess it, split it to trainings data and test data. The trainingsdata is used to train our model, the test data to verify our approach. We will also divide the data in batches.

In Section 2, we will define our model. That is, in our case the model (or function) that we want to learn is a mapping between our input data (power traces) and the output data (the parts of the key that we want to learn)

In Section 3, we will define our cost function. (also frequently called objective or

In Section 4 we will define our trainings procedure. We will use adam, which is a variant of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) that uses momentum.

In Section 5, we will train our model.

In Section 6, we will test our model.

We have a couple of helpers which we use. If a method is not needed for understanding the approach, we will put it there. These are located in library/

Template attack background

The core idea of a template attack is: given a certain power consumption measurment $t$, how likeley is it to have observed certain key $k$? In other words, we are looking for a model that tells us the conditional probability of $p(k|t)$.

If we would try to search over the whole key space, this journey would end very fast, because the key space of an AES128 is $2^{128}$, which is way too large. Instead, we are learning sub models for sub keys. For example, if we target the S-BOX operation of the AES algorithm, we would need to learn 16 models for 16 subkeys,

  • For each subkey and each trace, we calculate our target operation.
  • We have a power trace matrix $T^{n_t \times n_s}$, with $n_t$ being the number of power traces that we have collected and $n_s$ being the number of samples per trace. A sample is a measurment at a given timestep.

In machine learning terms:

  • We have a set of power traces T. Each power trace $T_i$ is associated with a key $k_i$ and a plain text $d_i$.
  • For each power trace $T_i$ we have 16 subkeys, $\{k_{i1}, \ldots, k_{i16}\}$
  • In each of the power traces $T_i$, we have 16 sub power traces $\{ t_{i1}, \ldots, t_{i16}\}$, which corresponds to the calculation of a chosen operation to calculate a subkey.
  • We want to learn 16 models $\{p_1, \ldots ,p_{16}\}$. Each model $p$ learns $p(k|t)$,

What we need to do for that:

  • We need to choose a target operation (S-BOX in our case). We know that this operation repeats 16 times, 1 times for each 1 byte subkey.

Our target data:

  • For all 16 subkeys, and all power traces, get the according key byte.

Our input data:

  • We need to extract the sub power traces from each power trace that belongs to a subkey calculation. How?
# model 1
x_train_input = [
    [12, 14, 256, 13] # power sub trace 
y_train_target = [
    [AE] # target sub key byte


  • how do we get to our sub power trace?

0 Setup

In [ ]:

0.1 Imports

In [1]:
import tensorflow as tf
assert(tf.__version__=="1.2.0") # make sure we have the right tensorflow version
import numpy as np
import os
import logging 
import library.helper as h
from IPython.display import Image # displaying images in ipython

In [2]:
# configure numpy 

# configure 
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# configure ipython display
def show(img_file):
    try: # only works in ipython notebook

0.2 Prepare directory structure

In [ ]:
def create_dir(path): 
    if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path)

create_dir("data")  # power traces go here
create_dir("graph") # store tensorflow calc graph here 
create_dir("visualizations") # charts we generate

0.3 Hyper parameters

In [ ]:

1 Data

  • We use the data from
  • The dataset is an FPGA-based unprotected AES implementation
  • Each trace contains 3.253 samples measuring the power contains the power consumption of an AES execution

1.1 Download data

Index format:

  • 1st column: the AES-128 key (128 bits represented as 32 hexadecimal digits)
  • 2nd column: the plaintext (128 bits represented as 32 hexadecimal digits)
  • 3rd column: the ciphertext (128 bits represented as 32 hexadecimal digits)
  • 4th column: the Shuffle0 permutation (see the algorithm specifications, 16 x 1 hexadecimal digit)
  • 5th column: the Shuffle10 permutation (see the algorithm specifications, 16 x 1 hexadecimal digit)
  • 6th column: the offsets (see the algorithm specifications, 16 x 1 hexadecimal digit)
  • 7th column: the name of the directory (below the top-level directory DPA_contestv4_2) where the trace is stored
  • 8th column: the name of the trace

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
h.download_and_unpack_data(key=1) # for which key to download the data. possible [0-15]
operations = h.load_operations(key=1) 

for i, k_v in enumerate(operations.items()):
    if i>5: break
    print(k_v[0], k_v[1])

1.2 Load power traces

In [ ]:
power_trace = h.load_power_trace("data/DPA_contestv4_2/k00_uncompressed/DPACV42_000000.trc")[0:1000]
h.visualize_power_trace(power_trace, steps=1000, out_name="trace1")
power_trace2 = h.load_power_trace("data/DPA_contestv4_2/k00_uncompressed/DPACV42_000001.trc")[0:1000]
h.visualize_power_trace(power_trace2, steps=1000, out_name="trace2" )
power_trace3 = h.load_power_trace("data/DPA_contestv4_2/k00_uncompressed/DPACV42_000002.trc")[0:1000]
h.visualize_power_trace(power_trace3, steps=1000, out_name="trace3" )

sum_trace  = (power_trace + power_trace2 + power_trace3) / 3
diff = abs(power_trace-sum_trace)

h.visualize_power_trace(diff, steps=1000, out_name="difference-1-mean" )
h.visualize_power_trace(sum_trace, steps=1000, out_name="sumtrace" )
#power_trace = power_trace - power_trace.mean()

#show(os.path.join("visualizations", power_trace_img))

In [10]:
num_points_per_trace = 1000 #1704403

uncompressed_traces_dir = "data/DPA_contestv4_2/k%0.2d_uncompressed/"%0
uncompressed_traces = sorted(list(os.listdir(uncompressed_traces_dir)))
num_traces = len(uncompressed_traces)
unprocessed_traces_name = "data/" 

# write power traces to memmap
if not h.file_exists(unprocessed_traces_name):"Populating "+unprocessed_traces_name+", this might take a while.")
    fp = np.memmap(unprocessed_traces_name, dtype='int8', mode='w+', shape=(num_traces,num_points_per_trace))
    for i, trace_name in enumerate(uncompressed_traces):
        if i%100==0:
  "%0.3d/%i traces processed..."%(i,num_traces))
        trace = h.load_power_trace(os.path.join(uncompressed_traces_dir,trace_name),limit=1000)
else: +" already exists, delete it for regeneration.")
    fp = np.memmap(unprocessed_traces_name, dtype='int8', mode='r', shape=(num_traces,num_points_per_trace))

INFO:__main__:data/ already exists, delete it for regeneration.

In [6]:

h.visualize_power_trace(fp[0:5,0:1000], steps=1000, out_name="5-traces-0-1000" )

INFO:library.helper:Creating 0 trace visualizations...

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib import animation, rc
from IPython.display import HTML

# First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

#ax.set_xlim(( 0, 1000))
#ax.set_ylim((-128, 128))

line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2)

# initialization function: plot the background of each frame
def init_power_chart():
    line.set_data([], [])
    return (line,)

# animation function. This is called sequentially
def animate(i):
    stride = 1000/100
    x = np.linspace(i*stride , (i+5)*stride, 50 )
    y = fp[0,int(i*stride):int((i+5)*stride)]
    line.set_data(x, y)
    return (line,)

# call the animator. blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, 
                               frames=95, interval=20, blit=False)


In [5]:
h.visualize_power_trace(traces_column_mean, steps=1000, out_name="mean")

h.visualize_power_trace(abs(fp[0,:]-traces_column_mean), steps=1000, out_name="trace-1-mean-abs" )
h.visualize_power_trace(fp[0,:]-traces_column_mean, steps=1000, out_name="trace-1-mean" )
h.visualize_power_trace(abs(fp[1,:]-traces_column_mean), steps=1000, out_name="trace-2-mean-abs" )
h.visualize_power_trace(fp[1,:]-traces_column_mean, steps=1000, out_name="trace-2-mean" )

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-b9ef8019c6ec> in <module>()
----> 1 h.visualize_power_trace(traces_column_mean, steps=1000, out_name="mean")
      3 h.visualize_power_trace(abs(fp[0,:]-traces_column_mean), steps=1000, out_name="trace-1-mean-abs" )
      4 h.visualize_power_trace(fp[0,:]-traces_column_mean, steps=1000, out_name="trace-1-mean" )
      5 h.visualize_power_trace(abs(fp[1,:]-traces_column_mean), steps=1000, out_name="trace-2-mean-abs" )

NameError: name 'traces_column_mean' is not defined

In [ ]:
x_1_reduced = x_1[np.where(abs(x_1) > 24)]

In [ ]:
x_2 = fp[1] - m_t
x_2_reduced = x_2[np.where(abs(x_2) > 24)]

In [ ]:
h.visualize_power_trace(x_1, steps=5000)

1.3 Pre-process Data

  • We have 5000 power traces, each of them should contain an AES execution consiting of
  • We need to find

2 Model

  • The calculation graph can be visualized using the command: 'tensorboard --logdir=graph'